Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week 6

Week 6.

I did a lot of writing this week. I finished the research portion of my paper and began the reflection bit. 

I also worked on some more labels for the bottles. I messed with the fonts and tried out different placement of the brands and slogans. 
I will be using liquor and Wisconsin beer labels as references. I will also continue working on more creative names for the various alcohols. 

I also did a photo shoot with my dear friend Lucibelle and may  have found a male model for the next shoot! In the photo shoot we messed with crossdressing and transformations. I used a technique with the camera where it takes multiple pictures as I hold the 'shutter' button down. This way I can get a stop-motion effect if I look through the photos quickly in order. Also, I was taking pictures I also was video recording the session. This will come in handy for the film later on.

Unfortunately, I am unable to submit a label example that I worked on this weekend due to some external hard drive accidents. They will be coming soon though!

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